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Category: Ecopsychology interventions

Climate Coaching Action Day, 6th March 2024

Climate Coaching Action Day, 6th March 2024 Climate Coaching Action Day was launched in March 2020 by Coaching at Work with the aim of establishing a global annual celebration and promotion of climate coaching. Many including individuals and organisations have embraced the initiative. The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP), ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Researchand the ISCP Faculty […]

Telephone-coaching while walking during COVID-19: A pilot study

Telephone-coaching while walking during COVID-19: A pilot studyZelda Di Blasi, Stephen Palmer and Julie McCall Citation: Di Blasi, Z., Palmer, S., & McCall, J. (2021). ‘Telephone-coaching while walking during COVID-19: A pilot study’. Journal of Ecopsychology, 1, 4, 1-13. Free download from ResearchGate. Abstract Background: The current pandemic has had serious consequences on mental health due to […]